Monday, March 21, 2011

Sunday March 20, 2011

Went in for a ultrasound to see how things are going.   Looked really good.  I am responding WAY better on a natural cycle with 150 IU of Follistim then with my IVF cycle.  The IVF cycle I was on 450 IU and it took a LONG time to get me where I needed to be.  I go back Tuesday 3-22-11 and we will see what the deal is as of that point.  I started taking my Ganirelix injection last night along with the Follistim 150 IU and will do the same thing tonight as well and see how things look tmr!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Tomorrow makes it a week since I got the bad news...

This week has been the most depressing, frustrating,difficult and just most of all sad week of my life.  I am not a sad or unhappy person - so this is new for me.  Just a little over 30 days ago this was the happiest time of my life.  I was so READY to move forward.  I can't get over the fact that it is over done with - it didn't work and now we ended up with 0 to freeze. Everytime I do IVF I learn something new, which is great.  We had such good numbers this round. I did learn this cycle that I am scared to death of IVF and I am done with it for now.  Not  going to say never but I don't have it in me to try again after 3 failed cycles.  After we are done with TIC I think we will move on to something that is more of a 100% .


We are now going to try TIC with drugs.  I started my injectables 3-15 and today will be day 3 on the drugs.  My next doctor appt will be Sunday to see how many follicles I have.

I will update again on Sunday!

Friday, March 11, 2011

News you can never be prepared for....

Went in for blood test today, the doctor called back @ 11:30 and said that we are not pregnant.  Being that we had 0 to freeze we are going to take a step back and just maybe do TIC ( timed intercourse) with injectables for a few months.

As for the WHY:  there was not one.  Just that the embryo's did not do as well for a 5 days transfer, kinda wish we would have tried a day 3 but you never know.

Thanks for all your well wishes and concern, we will update you on our next plan of action - once we have decided what that is.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

The things you can't prepare yourself for...

Well today is the day before the blood test.  I was bad today - I cheated and took a home test.  It came out negative.  My nurse said that I could take one as early as today.... I really hope I am one of the 25% that get a false negative.  But it is not over until tmr.  I will go in @ 9:00 and then they will call sometime that afternoon. 

Friday, March 4, 2011

I never thought this would happen!

The Embryologist calls today and says that she had some bad news... We have 0 to freeze!  Boy now the pressure is on!  I really liked knowing that there was a back up plan, and now that kinda makes me worried for my outcome on this.  I am just going to pray hard and hope for the best.  I do think it is our time!  Now the wait until next Friday to hear the results.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

March 2, 2011 Transfer Day!

On March 2 we went in the office @ 9:30 and got preped and ready for Transfer. I thought my bladder was full but I guess my Ovarys are still really swollen and are pushing against my bladder making me feel like it was full.  We had to get up go back out of the transfer room for me to drink another glass of water.  After that glass I was ready.  We spoke to the Enbryologist and she gave us a picture of out little embryos they didn't look like my last fresh cycle.  She said they are not perfect but they can still result in a pregnancy.  We had 2 prefect ones last time and nothing happened so this really can't play any postive factors on the outcome.  The nurse and then Embryologist both said they have seen embryos that they thought would never result in a pregnancy turn out!  We are just going to pray hard that this work.  I hope out of the 3 embryos at least 1,2 or 3 will take!  We will take whatever we can get!  We also had Assisted Hatching this time. What that means is a small hole is made in the zona pellucida to help the embryo hatch and implant.

We got back in the transfer room and our doctor was able to have a nice easy transfer, we got all 3 in with not a single problem.  Now the wait!  We have a blood test 3-11 .  I will update again after I hear from the Embryologist on if we had any embryos to freeze.

March 3, 2011
The Embryologist did not call me today so I hope to hear from her tmr.  She said we might not have any to freeze.... If that is the case I really need this to work.  I am pretty sure we will not do IVF again.  We might just move on to something that is more of a 100%.  I am still going to remain postive and try and stay busy.  Thanks again for all the support!!!! xoxo